Hier können und sollen die schwarzen Schafe unter den RevShare-Angeboten und Autosurfern gepostet und diskutiert werden. Bereich für SCAM


Beitrag So 9.03.2008, 15:26

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Registriert: 19. Aug 2007
Beiträge: 13
hier ein neues Programm, welches 130 % nach 13 Tagen auszahlt. Der Admin heißt David und kommt aus Irland. Nachdem er sein erstes Projekt (surfond.com) schließen musste, da es massive Serverprobleme gab und es keinen Sinn mehr gemacht hätte, weiter zu machen, hat er ALLE Mitglieder zu 100 % ausgezahlt bevor er die Seite dicht machte. Somit hat damals keiner etwas dabei verloren. Nun macht er einen zweiten Anlauf, es gibt wie gesagt 130 % nach 13 Tagen mit 5% Referral Commission und dieser Gewinn wird auf mehreren Wegen generiert, so beispielsweise durch Sportwetten bzw. Arbitrage. Einen Nachweis über die Gewinne bzw. dass überhaupt unter anderem gewettet wird findet ihr hier:


Eingezahlt werden kann über SolidTrustPay, E-gold, LibertyReserve und AlertPay. Weitere Zahlungsmöglichkeiten sind zur Zeit nicht geplant. Es lohnt sich auf jeden Fall hier einzusteigen, es wird wirklich mit dem Geld gearbeitet und ausgezahlt.

Hier sind die Konditionen im Detail:

130% after 13 days
Upgrade cost $10 per unit (300 max)
5% referral commission
3 free sites to advertise
Random referrals
Surf only 13 sites to get daily ROI
Surf ratio 1:1
$1 per each 1000 unique visitors
Missed days aren't penalized
Minimum cash out $1

Ein interview mit David, bei dem er über alles wichtige Frage und Antwort steht, findet ihr hier:


Falls noch Fragen offen geblieben sein sollten, könnt ihr euch gerne bei mir melden, ich werde sie dann gerne beantworten, falls ich nicht weiterhelfen kann, werde ich die Fragen dann an ihn persönlich weiterleiten. Ihr könnt ihn auch direkt über die Seite von moneytrip erreichen, dort findet ihr oben auf der linken Seite unter dem Punkt "Discuss" einen Button, der euch zum Chat verlinkt, bei dem er sehr häufig online ist. Vergesst aber dabei nicht, dass er kein Deutsch spricht, wendet euch dann in den Fällen der "Sprachbarriere" bitte lieber an mich, ich kann die Frage dann gerne übersetzen und weiterleiten.
So, nun viel Erfolg, gebt ihm eine Chance, er wird euch nicht enttäuschen! ^^

Ach so, da ich ja quasi jetzt den deutschen "Support" mache, poste ich meinen Reflink hier nicht mit. :-)
Ich bitte dennoch zu beachten, dass ich trotz dieser Tatsache auch nur ein "normales" Mitglied bin und die Infos von David nur weiterleite, damit hafte ich in keinster Weise für dieses Programm bzw. bin nicht dafür verantwortlich zu machen, ich bin KEIN Admin.

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Beitrag So 9.03.2008, 22:11

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Registriert: 19. Aug 2007
Beiträge: 13
Hello dear members,

I just wanted to apologize for the down time we had today, at first
sight I thought we were suffering a DDOS attack, I immediately got
in touch with the programmer and found out it was not, it was just
a downtime on the server. I apologize for any inconvenience it might
have caused.

Today, our main competitor, SurfProfitPro, closed down, apparently
because of a DDOS attack, that makes moneytrip the number one autosurf
program at the moment. Sorry for the ones who lost, you are welcome
to recover your money with moneytrip.

Also, we had an amazing day at sports betting, with only one bet, we
$3750 of pure profit. It was really great, and as you can see, we are
real trading with your money, I've attached the screenshot, so that you
can check out those nice numbers.


Many days like this one are coming, thanks for being a part of this
great and successful project.

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Beitrag Di 11.03.2008, 08:23

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Registriert: 19. Aug 2007
Beiträge: 13
Hi everyone,

Here is another update from moneytrip, the top growing autosurf on the
I'm here to tell you about an e-book we prepared to advertise
it's a short e-book that tells the a brief story about online
such as hyip and autosurf, and talks about MoneyTrip. There are lots
of screen shots proving our real trading system.

It's going to be used to advertise MoneyTrip and we expect to get great
results from that, for those who are already members, you'll enjoy
reading it too, don't miss that!

Also, I want to inform you we had another downtime yesterday, that one
4 hours, we already found the problem on the server, and from now on,
it's not gonna happen, once again I apologize for that.

Hope you enjoy the e-book, and have a great day!

Best Regards,
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Beitrag Di 11.03.2008, 23:38

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Registriert: 19. Aug 2007
Beiträge: 13
Hi everyone,

Here is another update from moneytrip, the top growing autosurf on the industry.
I'm here to tell you about an e-book we prepared to advertise moneytrip,
it's a short e-book that tells the a brief story about online investments,
such as hyip and autosurf, and talks about MoneyTrip. There are lots
of screen shots proving our real trading system.

It's going to be used to advertise MoneyTrip and we expect to get great
results from that, for those who are already members, you'll enjoy
reading it too, don't miss that!


Also, I want to inform you we had another downtime yesterday, that one lasted
4 hours, we already found the problem on the server, and from now on,
it's not gonna happen, once again I apologize for that.

Hope you enjoy the e-book, and have a great day!

Best Regards,
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Beitrag Fr 14.03.2008, 23:24

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Registriert: 19. Aug 2007
Beiträge: 13
Hello fellow members,

I'm glad to announce that migration to dedicated server is completed.

Moneytrip is growing quickly and our previous hosting service couldn't handle our needs in the long run, now we have more protection, velocity and reliability. Remember, we don't penalize non-surfed days, you still get 130% even that you miss a surfing day, so be happy.

PaidtoClick service will be disabled, anyway we are increasing the price of P2P. Now the cost of CPM was incresed to $2. I took this measure in order to protect the integrity of Moneytrip and provide a nice chance for free and upgraded members to earn more cash by promoting the splash pages and helping us to get more popular.

This week, Moneytrip is featured in ASA newscast. ( (www).asamonitor.com/newscast.html )
I'd like to invite you to check this newscast, feel free to recommend it to your referrals and friends, there you can download our e-book as well. So, take a look in the newscast, see what Jake has to expose about us. Moneytrip has reached more than 800 members within only 26 days online. Good rates, but we know we can do much better. The investments are doing great, I've got nice results with the bets, and the most important: with low risk.

It's amazing to bring this update for you, and be sure we'll have many things to share and celebrate in the coming days.
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Beitrag Di 18.03.2008, 07:45

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Registriert: 19. Aug 2007
Beiträge: 13
Hello everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that just because I did not send anything
it does not mean the bets are going bad, they are going extremely well
as you
all saw on the last update.

We had a little problem on the server earlier today, that is because
server is now totally controlled by me, and I can reload it anytime I
so we'll probably never have down-times anymore!

Also, I hired some French and Dutch speakers to support the program on
international forums, that way we can get investors that do not speak
English, we'll be hiring more workers as the program grows.

I'd also like to tell you guys a little about the advertising we are
on, as I said on another update, it is paid with extra money I make
the bets and I am getting all these advertisements at a very low price,
a lot lower than the usual market rate, most likely because we are the
best around!

So, everything is running as good as it could be, and we're going to
keep it up for the future,

Thanks for being a member,
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Beitrag Do 20.03.2008, 07:46

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Registriert: 19. Aug 2007
Beiträge: 13
Greetings all,

As you know we experienced some outages today. It occurred a problem
with our registrar service and the site got several hours down. During
this time I was contacting the providers of our name on the web and
dealing new investment picks, once I was sure there were no problem with the
server. We have a 100% uptime dedicated server installed, and I’ve
total control over it. Also got 4 name servers registered on domain name,
in the worst scenario at least a pair will be working.

The proper measures were taken and site is fully accessible now, if you
still can’t get in please wait some minutes, then try again. Feel free
to contact me through Yahoo Messenger ( ORINTARIO ) for any further

Today, we got another good day on sports betting. I placed nice picks
and deal good amount of cash. In this way the target was reached again,
the profits were nice. You should have some details about our
investment activity in the next few days.

After all, we got a nice day.
Enjoy your surfing!
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Beitrag Fr 21.03.2008, 21:52

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Osterwünsche vom admin:

Hello members :)

Today it is easter on a good part of the world, so I want to wish a
very happy easter for those who celebrate it!

I want to thank you all for being our members, and ask everyone to
take a second look at MoneyTrip, if you're in profit, get in again,
even more money, we are here to help you on that. Pay attention on us
if you enjoy being a part of MoneyTrip.

For those who are already doing that, my special thanks, you are doing
the right thing.

I won't go any further today, enjoy your weekends!

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Beitrag So 23.03.2008, 11:59

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Registriert: 19. Aug 2007
Beiträge: 13
Hello Everyone,

I am here to wish you a happy Easter again, together with our daily
update. There isn't much to tell, everyone seem to be enjoying the
holidays, that is good.

We have been rated number 1 (the very best) program on
today, that is a very important thing for MoneyTrip and we are very
happy about
it. You can see the post yourselves:
http://money-news-online.com/blog/2008/ ... for-today/

As you can read in there, we are the top growing website around, and it
will be like that for a long time, because of you. Our website has
awesome levels in a very short period of time!

Also, I want to let you know we have just opened our own forum, and of
we are inviting you to join the MoneyTrip family at
you'll find betting tips, news, and of course, a nice chat.

We are also coming up with a blog for MoneyTrip very soon, which will
be a
great way to advertise and let you guys informed. Our second e-book is
coming next week, so, lots of things coming around very soon, stay

So, with a thankful spirit, I hope you all have nice holidays.

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Beitrag Di 25.03.2008, 10:43

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Registriert: 19. Aug 2007
Beiträge: 13
Hello dear members,

Here I am with your daily update again, I do not have any big news for
except that our program is getting very big now!

Because of that, I may not be able to make the payments as fast as they
are now,
as you all agreed in our FAQ, it may take from 1 to 3 days, going up to
sometimes. Of course, I'll try to make it as fast as I can, as usual,
but don't
get mad if it takes a little longer, they are going to happen!

I am sure you will understand,

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Beitrag Sa 29.03.2008, 19:55

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Registriert: 19. Aug 2007
Beiträge: 13
Hello Members,

First of all, I'll apology for what happened over this week, MoneyTrip
is NOT over, we are going to continue this project, we are not going to
up, so please, just be a little patient.

Our e-gold, AlertPay and SolidTrustPay accounts are blocked,
LivertyReserve is fine,
I am not thinking
about refunds right now, at least not until I'm able to use at least
50% of the
frozen money. SolidTrustPay has frozen my account, with over 21.000
dollars in there,
they did not even let me withdraw that, so that I could generate the
in some other e-currency. I have been using my own personal money to
during this time, I was not stopped.

I didn't come online or update you because of all the hacking problems,
we are not
going to give up like any other program, we are standing strong. The
first thing that
needs to be done is get the STP account back, a lot of people
complained, and now
the biggest part of the funds are stuck in there.

The hacking problem is no longer something we have to worry about, no
money was stolen,
the database is fine, everything is now fine. The main reason we are
going to face
some problems is because I do not access to the funds, and without the
money, there
isn't anything I can do, I'm doing my best in order to get those funds,
and get back
on track.

All big programs faced problems, it's a part of the industry, we are
going to
get through this soon!

Stay strong, I'll be here updating you very often,
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Beitrag Mo 16.06.2008, 02:07

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Registriert: 1. Apr 2007
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x 1
Wie sieht es denn hier aus? Bitte keine Newsletter sondern einfach Infos zum Stand der Dinge. Und das auf deutsch.


PS: Die Seite gibt es ja nicht mehr... Wenn ein Programm tot ist, hältst Du es die Mühe nicht wert das bekannt zugeben?

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