Schwarze Schafe unter den HYIP Programmen. SCAM


Beitrag So 6.03.2016, 14:20

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Registriert: 20. Mai 2015
Beiträge: 4
Guaranteed return of principal benefit 6800% After 120 Hours
Guaranteed Profit Investment is conservative in its investment approach. The safety and security of our members funds are most important. A good loss is a planned one. This is why we have ' safeguards ' set in place to cover the losses on bad trading days, 'safeguards ' allow us to keep crediting interest on your account balance every time. This is what every company involved in the same field should have, right now we are the only company with this feature.
Fortunately with our investment plans,risk is managed by a top-notch administrative team, as well as, by highly experienced traders involved in commodities, forex, futures, and options.
That is what we offer to you. Our diversification and easy point of entry makes it simple for you to give your portfolio a truly international flavor. Take a look at how easy it can be for you to invest with us.
6800% After 120 Hours(5 days) [Fully Instant Payments]
Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
EXTREME PLAN $100-$2,900 6800.00

8200% After 72 Hours(3 days) [Fully Instant Payments]
Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
GOLD PLAN $3,000-$9,900 8200.00

9800% After 48 Hours(2 days) [Fully Instant Payments]
Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
DIAMOND PLAN $10,000-$100,000 9800.00
Invest Now
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Beitrag Di 6.12.2016, 02:46

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New Member
Registriert: 15. Apr 2016
Beiträge: 7
Eindeutig Betrug. Auszahlungen gibt es keine bei guaranteedprofitinvestment.com
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