Informationsaustausch zu e-gold


Beitrag Fr 20.04.2007, 09:34

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Young Member
Registriert: 1. Apr 2007
Beiträge: 40
Wohnort: Velbert
hallo leute,

diese mail habe ich in den letzten tagen mehrfach bekommen; ich denke es liegt an den aktivitäten dort (mach' derzeit ein wenig mehr über e-gold).

NIEMALS darauf antworten! SOFORT löschen!

We have noticied that you account #3872237 have very attacks DDOS, only
you use this account or you divide him with somebody?

To give to you the best safety we need to know some information from
you, but dont worry because you dont need to click in any link, you only
need to reply this e-mail,
and you can see that is from e-gold (@e-gold.com) you information is
secret and nobody of supervision of e-gold will use your information to
harm you.

To avoid your account #3872237 be block,complet this steps

** first: **

Reply this e-mail with your e-gold acct. your passphrase, e-mail adress
of account and batch Id.
In end of mensage insert one code with 20 words (example:
4578s-esedr-drftf-5louj), this is to we identify you.

** Second **

Make one copy of this e-mail in your sent e-mail folder. (After we will
need to you reply this same e-mail asking a temporary passphrase, when
we stop the insvestigation process).

** thir **

If you have more of one acct, sent to us too same in step one in next
same e-mail, separated with ** (we dont will block you, because you can
open many acct)

Done. in after we review your account, we will sent one e-mail that all
is correct

P.S: dont change the passprhase now, or you account will be suspend and
your money held.

After we investigate you can change the passprhase.

Thank You,
e-gold Service<1

der absender ist ""E-Gold Service"" <[email protected]>

lieben gruß

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