Schwarze Schafe unter den HYIP Programmen. SCAM


Beitrag Sa 4.02.2017, 13:48

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Registriert: 14. Jun 2016
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Bitcoin VFX Trade - Invested $500 Return $2000 daily for 10 days
Bitcoin VFX Trade is well positioned to participate in many of the fastest growing areas of the investment management industry while maintaining a diversified exposure across industry sectors. The Company's balanced exposure to growth and value equity investment styles, and its broad participation in the high net worth, institutional and mutual fund distribution channels has enabled Bitcoin VFX Trade to achieve consistent financial results in changing market conditions.
Our rates of return are solid. We understand all parties must make a profit, but the larger percentage is given back to the client. We also understand that there are larger returns in other investment arenas but nothing is as iron clad or secure.Bitcoin VFX Trade offer you to earn 400% - 700% per day for 10 days with 15% referral program.

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Beitrag So 5.02.2017, 01:34

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Old Member
Registriert: 11. Apr 2007
Beiträge: 465
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Bitcoin VFX Trade - SCAM / Betrug

Ganz klar Betrug. Finger weg!
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